baseball pitcher business aviation recruitment

What does baseball have to do with aviation recruitment? Quite a lot, actually.

Having raised my son, Peter, in Little League and then in club/travel baseball, I can now see a lot of similarities

In fact, club sports in general have a lot in common with talent management and aviation recruitment.

Know Your Players

On every teamā€”in both baseball and business aviationā€” thereā€™s a variety of slots on the team. And not every ā€œplayerā€ is interchangeable.

You canā€™t cover all the bases with short stops. Youā€™ve got to have first and second basemen, catchers, third basemen and, letā€™s not forget, outfielders too.

My son was a pitcherā€”a specialist. He was brought in to do one job, and do it really well.

By the same token, as a bizav leader, you have people on your team who command some very specialized skills. They know how to perform with a high degree of proficiency. Then you also have others on the team who have many skills and can do a lot of different things.

Carrying the analogy further, a pilot is quite often the centerpiece of the ā€œgame.ā€ He or she fills the stadium (or the seats) and gets you wherever youā€™re going and back again, every trip.

How Deep is Your Bench?

Whether itā€™s in the dugout or the bullpen, the most successful baseball teams are those that recruit a strongā€”and deepā€”bench. Taking that tack in aviation is a precaution worth exercising. When something comes out of left field, youā€™ll be ready for it!

And just like in baseball, in aviation, you never know when youā€™re going to have to go ā€œdeep.ā€ When it turns out to be a 10-inning game, who can you turn to? Who can you summon to the pitcherā€™s mound when the other teamā€™s up, there are two outs and the bases are loaded?

Several years ago, one of the best pitchers for the San Francisco Giants, Johnny Cueto, was on the disabled list because he needed elbow surgery. He was out for more than a year. That meant that, for a while, BOTH of the teamā€™s pitching aces were out. (Their other phenom, Madison Bumgarner, was also on the DL). It left the Giants struggling to fill the void.

The same scenario holds true for a flight department. How deep is your bench?

What if you have a U.S. armed forces reservist who gets deployed? Or a pilot whoā€™s out for medical reasons? Or, even yet, a key team member on maternity or paternity leave?

Be a Great Coach

Again, just like in baseball, for any of these unplanned-for instances, you need a leaderā€”a coach. Itā€™s got to be someone who understands how to help people get the best out of themselves. Whether itā€™s on the playing field or in the hangar.

He or she needs to be someone who shows up every day a little bit better that he or she was the day before. Somebody who can help us celebrate our wins and take our losses in stride and learn from them.

After all, we know we canā€™t win every game, but when we do, we ought to celebrate it. And when we lose? Well, we need to learn how to look at that loss and ask ourselves ā€˜Where did we go wrong?ā€™

Recruit for the Right ā€œAddā€

Following are a few reminders to ensure that when you recruit, you find a great addition. And bring in the right player for the position.

Aim for range

Baseball teams are made up of players from different backgrounds, varied skill sets and wide-ranging life experiences. Establishing that sort of diversity ought to be encouraged for aviation teams as well. Bottom line: recruit for skill and a valuable addition, and look for players with passion and potential.

Pick a strong team captain

Leadership is all about putting on your cleats, pitching in and working well with others. A great team captain doesnā€™t rally his players from the broadcasting boothā€”heā€™s right there on the field, mixing it up with his team. This is especially true during a ā€œlosing streak.ā€ Boosting morale, looking ahead and putting the losses behind you are a team captainā€™s stock in trade.

Let your players ā€œownā€ their positions

A team manager knows exactly when to step back and let his players do what they do best. And when they do it with a sense of ownership, itā€™s all for the better. The catcher behind the plate owns that position, just as the pitcher does the mound. Aviation teams are no differentā€”team members need to sense the pride of controlling their piece of the process.

Work hard & rest harder

Unrelenting toil on the field or in the hangar will burn out a player or a team member. (No pitcher ever starts two games in a row.) Great team managers in both disciplinesā€”baseball and aviationā€”know how to fill a game roster. They do so by varying their players whenever possible. Plus, they work the schedule, giving them some well-deserved R&R on a regular basis.

Post-Game Wrap-up

I realize that Iā€™m having a bit of fun with these proverbial baseball metaphors. But I hope Iā€™ve made the case that the parallels are real and right there, front and center.

We ought to heed them as much as possible. Especially as we contemplate building a high-functioningā€”a ā€œwinningā€ā€”team. If you have any thoughts of your own about the similarities between sports teams and aviation teams, Iā€™d love to hear from you . . . soā€”yer on deck!

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