A career relocation is often a fundamental part of professional growth. Especially in aviation, picking up and moving some distance for a new career opportunity might be one of the most strategic ways to advance your career.

And now, with so many people able to work remotely, some of the things that have been holding us in place may no longer constrain us. In the last 18 months, a significant number of families and individuals have pulled up stakes and started a new life adventure.  Could this possibly be an opportunity for you?

While relocation isn’t right for everyone, there are many potential upsides, including:

  • A boost to your career.
  • Often, a better cost of living.
  • The ability to take advantage of new activities – like culture, sports and/or being outdoors.
  • Moving closer to family.

Many of our API Registered Professionals™ have reaped huge rewards, thanks to a company-sponsored relocation. After all, a new job in a new location might enable a young family to “upgrade” to a bigger home. And it’s a great catalyst for the empty nester who’s ready to downsize and simplify life in exchange for new opportunities?

Plus, a career relocation can be the perfect opportunity for a single professional—or even those without children, to up their game.

Career Relocation Principles to Ponder

Following are a few “do’s and don’ts” to aid in your decision making when considering if a job-related move is right for you:

  • Think about the decision as an identity choice. Ask yourself: “Who do I want to become? What kind of family do we want to be? Does a new job or new location support our vision?”
  • Listen to the concerns of your spouse/partner/family members, acknowledging that a move presents immediate changes that can be uncomfortable in the short run. But could pay off in spades in the long run.
  • Reflect on your long-term professional path. “Can this be my ‘forever job’? Or is it the key stepping stone I need?”
  • Ask yourself, “Does this change—this next step—put me closer to my dream/retirement place?”
  • Examine the practical implications of moving: financial, economic, cultural and even political.
  • Visit the location beforehand. Ask yourself: “Is the new location different/better than where I am now? And am I well-suited to what the new type of lifestyle will offer?”
  • Only focus on the immediate consequences of the move. Think about how the long-term benefits will impact you and everyone for whom you’re responsible.
  • Evaluate everything or make a decision on your own. Instead, ask for advice from trusted family members, friends and peers.
  • Overthink the decision. If you go for it, fully commit and give yourself every opportunity to be happy and successful. If you decide against the move, have faith that there will be another opportunity down the road.

Remember . . .

With all of these thoughts, a career relocation can be a wonderful new adventure. You should always keep the many likely positives in mind. Such a move can be a chance to start over and meet new people. And for kids, it’s a chance to be the “new kid everyone wants to know.” You might be able to enjoy new activities in a completely new setting. And it could breathe new life into your career. Plus, it can restore your faith and certainty about the direction you’re advancing your career.

It’s wise to have a healthy sense of optimism about what you may decide. But take your time to do your homework. Weigh ALL of the potential impacts, good and bad, before you accept (or reject) the exciting challenge that is being offered to you.

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