NBAA14 panel

Just last month at NBAA14, I was honored to moderate the interactive “think tank” educational session entitled, “Creating Business Aviation’s Next Generation Workforce.”

Our mission is an ongoing one–to make everyone in business aviation aware that we each have a responsibility to help solve our next gen workforce challenges.

Our NBAA14 distinguished speakers included Rich Walsh, Dr. Tara Harl and Dr. Tony Kern. Together, we all shared our industry’s challenges of attracting, recruiting and retaining young talent.

Some startling statistics were presented on the future need for bizav pilots and the fact that other industries outside of aviation are recruiting our technical young people.

Among other things, we talked about the need for diversity, to educate young people on the vastness of business aviation and for mentorship opportunities.

This session (available for Certified Aviation Manager re-certification credit) was structured as a both a panel and focus group.

Since there’s no “silver bullet” so to speak, we felt it important to ask the room full of leaders and aspiring young professionals to help identify the key challenges to recruiting top, entry-level talent. Their task was to come up with useful, positive solutions that Part 91 and Part 135 operators can implement today and in the future.


During the breakout session, small groups discussed these five questions:

  1. How do we make business aviation the career of choice over other competitive careers (airline or other industries)?
  2. How can we shift our paradigm and our processes to engage aviation professionals earlier in their career?
  3. How do we prepare our mentors to truly mentor the next generation? To understand who they are, how they take in information?
  4. What can we learn from the next generation? How can we engage them to our benefit?
  5. How do we keep teamwork in our departments and not have a generational split?

If you’d like to have API share the results, please stay tuned to this blog where we will share them next month.

If you’re interested in learning more and receiving a recap of the session outcome, simply drop us an email or leave a comment below.


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